1779 Property Stent

Lord Selkirk’s park1
His West Milnflatts31
Castlemains, Longacre or outfield10¾
John Robsons Bearland
Roundcroft, late M’Coskries
Broughtons park & barn1
Roundcroft of Wyndfoot5
M’Killricks Bearland10
Mr Curries park and ditch dyke110½
His park next Sandersons, Borgue, now Lord Selkirk
Wood and M’Mins Bearland10
Saddlers Croft
Sandersons, Borgue1
Alexander Griers Bearland1
Doctor Gerrans milncroft13
His calfward enclosure10
William Nabonys Kilndale5
William Coupers outfield called McGhies
Campbeltons Park betwixt the two roads26
His park called Airies10
His old park1
His lands at Waterside
Lord Selkirks store there, late Mr Freelands
Samuel M’Colms bearland1
Mullochs Park, sett Baillie Ewart10
His park next Great Cross10
His land at Calfward
His land at yeard foot2
His lands at Killroch hill, Sett Baillie Kerr
Baillie Nicol Donaldsons Kilndale10
Baillie Anthony Donaldsons Bearland5
His Bearland bought of John Murray
Ship Skair1
Provost Carmonts park10
Baillie Rodger Martins Bearland
Maillie M’Clellans Bearland1
David M’Clellans Bearland5
Mr Nasmyths Bearland in Dovecroft110½
John Carsons Claycroft1
Mr Nasmyths ward enclosure10
Hugh Smiths Bearland11¼
John M’Clellans Bearland in Milncroft
John M’Clellan, schoolmaster, his Kilndale
Lord Selkirks Milncroft5
His miln with house and yeards26
Gelstones Fish Yair1
John Biglams Bearland
The Bazil warehouse1
Francis M’Cartneys house
John Murrays house, late Charles’s2
William Grahams house
Auchengools house1
Gordon and Kirkpatricks warehouse1
Sir Robert Maxwells house2
John Murrays house, Sett
Castlemains House, Sett1
Samuel M’Caskries house and yeard, Sett H Clogstoun
His little back house
Robert M’Ewans house upstreet5
His shop and house downstreet5
Samuel Herries house and yeard10
Thomas M’Kies house and yeard
His new sclate house1
James Boyds house and yeard1
Baillie John Gordons house and shop2
Samuel Gowans room
Mrs Milligans house and yeard1
Broughtons house and yeard1
Hugh M’Dowalls house
Lord Selkirks house, Sett M Mitchell1
His house and yeard called Campbells5
His house and yeard at Townend
His barn
Mr Blairs house and yeard, Sett John Sloan4
Mr Curries back house and yeard10
His fore house10
Dr Clarks house, Sett Mathew Ellis2
His house at Milnburn
His house at Moat2
His house Sett John Martin
James M’Monnes house and yeard
Widow Martins house, Sett William Martin2
James M’Gowans house and yeard2
Baillie Roger Gordons house and yeard
Alexander Hallidays house and yeard upstreet5
John Becks house and yeard
Mrs Griersons houses
Mr Coupers house and yeard2
Baillie David M’Clellans house and yeard
Dr Gernans house upstreet
Alexander Corbetts house and yeard
Campbeltons house, Sett
Mrs Telfairs house, Sett
Mrs Browns house, Sett2
Mr Kirkpatricks house, Sett Samuel Herries11¼
His yeard called Lennoxs
His cellar, Sett Samuel Herries
His Back house Sett Samuel Comblin &c
Baillie Reids house, Sett
John M’Connells house
Mrs Dunbars house and yeard, Sett
Her stable, Sett John Sloan
John Jollys house and yeard
Mrs Donaldsons yeard, Sett Mr Hugh Muir
Mullocks house and yeard at Wyndford (or Wyndfoot?)4
John Biglams house2
Widow McEwans house and yeard
Widow Gourlays shop, Sett2
Mr Lennox’s house, Sett
David Donaldsons houses and yeards2
Mr Beans house, Sett
Provost Carmonts houses, yeards and barn11¼
Helen Smiths house, Sett
John Hendersons house, Sett2
Francis M’Cartneys house and yeard
Baillie Rodger Martins house and yeard, Sett J Murray
His house and yeard, Sett John Finlay
His house and yeard, upstreet2
John M’Clellans houses, Sett
His houses and yeards at Creekhead
Mrs Muirs house, Sett
Mr Lennox for Browns house and yeard5
Baillie Fishers houses1
David McLellans room, Sett
His room without the Port
Hugh Smiths house and yeard, Sett James Brown10¼
His Shop, Sett Mr Halliday
His house and yeard, Sett John Thomson &c
Euphemia Bells houses and yeards
Thomas M’Clellans house and yeard
Mr Lauries house4
William Allans house, Sett
Archibald Wilsons house, Sett
Charles Creightons house and yeard11¼
David Sproats houses
Mr Buchanan’s house, Sett Mr Smith
Baillie Kers house, Sett
William Sharps house, Sett1
John Pauls house, Sett11¼
His house, Sett Miss Gartshore5
Baillie Hallidays house and yeard, Sett
Mr Naismith’s house at Miln burn
James Carsons houses and yeards110
His house bought of George Paul
His house bought of James McGowan
Campbeltons house Sett Patt. Carson
James Telfairs house, Sett2
Alexander Hallidays house, without the Port
John McNaughts house
William Edgars house at Milnburn
Lord Selkirks barn at Milnburn2
John McKittricks house at Milnburn
Castle Gardens1
Andrew Kingans house
John Craigs house and yeard
William Edgars house and yeard, Sett John McCaig2
Samuel Lintons house2
John Corbetts house
Helen Callands part of Baillie Gordons house2
John Grants part of Baillie Gordons house4
Mr Naismiths house and yeard1
Jean McGowans shop, Sett Mr Muir
Robert Carsons house at Milnburn, Sett J Gibson
Conveener Comblins house13
John Comblins house and yeard2
John Huttons house, Sett2
John Boddans house, Sett
James Coltarts house at Milnburn2
David Wilsons room, Sett
Robert McEwan junior, his shop, Sett2
Mrs Lenoxs house, Sett2
Mary Clarks house, Sett2
Mrs Reids Barn
John Carsons shop
Mr Freelands warehouse110½
His house and garden13
Andrew Lintons houses
Patrick Andersons houses2
Mr Donaldsons house, Sett Joseph Little
Mrs McKenzies house, Sett