Legends of Galloway
Title: Legends of Galloway: Being a Series of Traditions, Illustrative of Its Ancient History, Customs … Author: James Denniston. Publish Date: 1825
Glimpses into an Ancient Burgh & Parish
Title: Legends of Galloway: Being a Series of Traditions, Illustrative of Its Ancient History, Customs … Author: James Denniston. Publish Date: 1825
Title: Tales, in verse, and miscellaneous poems: descriptive of rural life and manners. Author: William Nicholson, Kirkcudbright. Publish Date 1814
Title: The literary history of Galloway. Author: Murray, Thomas, 1792-1872. Publish Date: 1832
Title: The poetical works of William Nicholson, with a memoir by M. McL. Harper. Author: William Nicholson, Publish date: 1878
Two early editions of this book were published. The first edition, published in 1824 proved to be very controversial, and to avoid prosecution for the...
Title: The Bards of Galloway: A Collection of Poems, Songs, Ballads, &c., by Natives of Galloway. Author: Malcolm M’Lachlan Harper. Publish Date: 1889
Title: General View of the Agriculture of Galloway; Comprehending Two Counties, Viz. the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, and Wigtonshire. With Observations on the Means of Their...
Title: Historical and traditional tales in prose and verse, connected with the south of Scotland. Original and select. Printed and published by John Nicholson, Kirkcudbright....
Title: Memorials of the Abbey of Dundrennan in Galloway : the last resting place in Scotland of Mary Queen of Scots. Author: Hutchison, Aeneas Barkly....
I WAS born at St. Mary’s Isle, near the ancient town or burgh of Kirkcudbright, Scotland, July 21, 1816. St. Mary’s Isle, an island by...